Monday, August 20, 2012

The Final Weeks of Summer

It's over.  Summer is officially over, because school began.  That's it - gone.  And somehow the weather knew to turn from 100+ degrees to 70's, overnight.  How did it know that???  It's killing me, really.  I now have to figure out a whole new wardrobe for myself.  I'm no longer a full time career woman, nor am I pregnant, nor do I live on the East Coast.  Add to that that my body shape and size are different than they've ever been before, and I'm completely clueless as to how to dress myself!  (If you have a sense of style and happen to see me and I look horribly out of fashion or mismatched, please let me know!)

Anywhoo, here are a few of the things we did in the final weeks of our summer.

Lily learned that food off of Mommy or Daddy's plate tastes much better than that junk that comes out of the baby food jar.  Below she is eating chicken:

We visited my cousin who had her baby girl in March as well as my grandparents.  My grandma is holding my cousin's baby, and they are watching Lily pull herself up on the couch.  My grandpa was also present, as evidenced by me taking a picture of everything but his face.  (*Way to go Steph!*)

Lily is still (at 10 1/2 months) army crawling (i.e. crawling on her tummy) everywhere.  She's quite fast and has coordinated her arms and legs.  She may never transition to off-the-tummy crawling before walking, which I read is ok, as long as she can get where she wants to go:

This is Lily practicing her walking in Perkins on our short, weekend vacation to my cousin's wedding.  She loves it when her Daddy walks with her!

These are Lily's feet after walking all over Perkins, barefooted.  Our next stop (about an hour later) was the Gymboree Outlet, where we purchased sandals for the girl.  She now wears shoes when we go out of the house.  (It all washed off with a little soap in the Perkins bathroom.  But still... gross.)

This was what Lily thought of the 7+ hour car ride to my cousin's wedding.  This was actually her happy face, like when Chase or I was sitting in the back reading to her or playing with her.  Her mad/sad face was much more prevalent on the trip.

Family picture at the hotel the day after we arrived.  Everyone was well-rested and ready to party that night at the wedding!

Behold the bride.  Congratulations dear Abby and Logan!  It was a great party, and we were sad we had to miss the festivities that continued the next day.  But alas, my girl was feverish (thank you top teeth...) so we headed home as soon as the reception hit its stride.  Driving through the night was much more peaceful, though my poor husband bore the brunt of the 7 hour drive while his girls slept peacefully in the back.

That was our last couple of weeks of summer.  I have some killer pictures for the first week of school, but it's late, and my bed calls.  Nighty-night!

(Yes, this post was shamelessly about putting up a bunch of pictures of our Little Bit, but really, who can blame me???)

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