Monday, March 7, 2016

The Good Life

We've been enjoying unseasonably warm weather the last week or so, and the forecast for the coming weeks looks excellent!  (70's in early March - Hurray!!!)  My little brood has been sick more in the last 8 weeks than they have ever been in their entire lives - it's just been one thing after another.  I think we're almost through it with only a lingering cough to contend with.

Today I have windows in every room open, I mopped the kitchen floor, and we went to the park already.  It's only 1:45.  It's going to be a good week, folks!  

Here is some of what we've done in the beautiful weather...

Lily's friend Grace taught her hopscotch, so we made a hopscotch
course on the sidewalk.  She started just stepping from box to box,
and over the afternoon eventually got to where she could truly hop
from box to box.  It's amazing to watch her develop so quickly!

Connor still has a ways to go with the hopping,
but he was very observant and knew what he was
supposed to do, even if he couldn't make his feet
do the right kind of hopping.

Learning in motion.

Connor hates stocking hats, coat or sweatshirt hoods, or any other
kind of hat... unless his big sister is wearing one.  They all three
sported baseball caps the other day, thanks to Lily's lead.

This guy is loving the outside and his stroller.
The only thing that would make the outside better
would be if he could run and ride bikes and swing
like his older siblings.  But that will come soon enough!

We had a perfect kite-flying day yesterday, and we have a perfect
kite-flying field just a block from our house.  Question: Do you know
what happens when you let an almost-2-year-old fly a kite?

Answer: The neighbor's tree actually flies the kite.

Thank goodness the low branches on the tree were
sturdy as was their fence.  (Photo credit: Chase)

We tried to teach the kids the velcro toss game, but they weren't
very impressed with it.

Still, a good time had by all!

I'd be remiss if I didn't acknowledge that Chase offered to climb the tree and fence to get the kite unstuck.  However, I was up there before he could stop me.  Sometimes a mom just has to know she can still climb a tree if she needs to!

Happy Spring!

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