Monday, September 10, 2012

My Little Copycat

It has been a fun day.  A day so fun that I want it memorialized forever on my blog.  It wasn't anything special.  In fact, I worked for about 5 hours today, so Lily was at one of her sitter's playing with one of her little boyfriends, Zade.  So what made today so fun, you wonder?  I'm so glad you asked!  It's that I have an independent little copycat on my hands, and she's learning to do everything Mommy does but all by her big-girl-self!

(Spoiler Alert:  this post is largely just going to brag on my little girl - it's a shameless "mommy post.")

The fun really started in the last few days. When Lily stayed with my mom for a day last week, Mom bragged when I picked her up that Lily picked up the remote (with her back to the TV), started pushing buttons, then turned around to see if anything changed on the TV.  Clearly she's a genius!  Did I also mention that she can "read" one of Mom's books?!?  She fills in the words like "Oh!" and "Bye-Bye" as the book is read.

Then yesterday I was holding Lily while standing in front of the mirror.  I had her little hairbrush and was brushing her hair.  She reached for the brush (she likes the texture of the bristles), so I gave it to her.  Then guess what she did?!?  She started brushing my hair!!!  (Ok, ok, so it was more like my cheek and ear, but still!)

So what could Lily, the copycat genius, have done today that made it so fun???  Well, I'll tell you...

After cleaning up the garage a little bit, we came in this evening, and the dirty baby needed a bath.  She played in the bathtub and practiced splashing and saying what a duck says ("gg-wu-cka" - we're still working on the annunciation).  After her bath I got her jammies on her and sat her up to finish up the post-bath routine.  I always use baby q-tips to clean out her ears.  She reached for the q-tip and...

Oh, that wasn't all.  Check this out...

Yep.  Got BOTH ears!  Genius.

After that, I brushed her hair, and she reached for the brush.  So I gave it to her expecting her to brush my face.  Instead, this is what she did...

Brushed her own hair!

And she's so smart she knows she has no hair, so she used the non-bristley side!  (Just kidding.  She does have the brush backwards, but the action is there!  ... Just need a bit more hair to really be able to brush it.)

That's pretty much all I have to write tonight.  I didn't expect the copycatting to start so soon - only 11 1/2 months old.  But SO fun to see her learn and develop every day.  And I'm sure that very soon I'll be learning, from a little copycat I know, some bad habits I have that I'll have to work on...

1 comment:

  1. eeeeeeeeek!!! Thats so fun!!! What a smart baby girl indeed!! :) We Mom's need to can the modest bit once and while and do a little bit of braggin'! haha
    ~Love it!
