Sunday, February 1, 2015

The big tease

The weather around here this January has been wonderful.  So wonderful, in fact, that it's been nothing but a big tease.  We've already had a couple of weeks of single digit temps, but they warmed up well beyond just double-digits.  In fact, this is what we were doing only a few days ago:

Notice the utter lack of coats, the stylin' glasses, and the super-fast bikes.  Me and 3 of my girlfriends met with our kids to head to the park, and the babies rode in the strollers while these two awesome kids rode their bikes.

This was Connor's first time in the swing, and he didn't cry at all!  (His sister would have been sobbing simply because she was sitting in a swing at this age.  She finally conquered her fear of swinging this summer when she was almost 3.  But each in their own time, right?)  Connor watched Eli swing, because the best way to learn to do something is by watching your buddy who's done it before.  And then they had a great time together.

Besides Lily and Noah (the boy on the bike), and Connor and Eli, there were also 2 other babies along - Jamison and Jeremiah - but somehow I missed getting pictures of them.  Of course, that could be because they're really too tiny to even do the baby swings, but they were there and watched the older kids.  In any case, we were at the park a few days ago, without coats, sitting in the gravel, soaking up the sun (and some much-needed Vitamin D).

(These two had so much fun together - Lily kept asking and asking and asking that evening to go back to the park.)

But today the tease ended and reality set it.  About 6 inches of snow has covered our area overnight.  Church was cancelled due to frigid temps, unsafe driving conditions, and blowing snow.  *Sigh*  At least we're healthy, warm, and sharing the snow day together, even if I would prefer the 60 degree temps...

Lily got a snow shovel for Christmas and LOVES to shovel snow.  She was pretty determined that she needed to go outside and help Daddy when he started getting his snow clothes on to go scoop snow.  She didn't comprehend the -14 degree wind chills, however, until she was outside.  At which point it took her exactly 30 seconds to comprehend.  She was back out of this adorable snow getup about 1 minute after this picture was taken.

That's when we decided to play cars.  The baking sheet was our ramp, and kept us occupied for quite a while.  It also occupied the cat, who (before this picture was taken) crouched on the far side of the cookie sheet to pounce on the cars that came over the edge.  But then he got hit and took a break so I could get this picture.  Then he resorted to attacking the cars before they even got to the ramp.  Revenge is sweet, even for a cat.

Connor thought the whole thing was pretty funny.

Lily hasn't had too much trouble with Connor up until the last month or so when he's really been mobile.  Before it was neat to Lily that he thought everything she did was the coolest.  Now, it's just annoying, as you can clearly see.  Fortunately, I had another potato head in my stash, so we played nicely after I got that out and we had 2 to share between them.

Everyone has this obligatory picture, right?  But this is basically the cutest one you've ever seen?  Yeah.  That's what I thought.  :)

Plans for the rest of the night include chili, cinnamon rolls, and the Super Bowl.  Oh, and possibly Downton Abbey for me (thankfully we have a 2nd TV!).  I hope your snow day has been as enjoyable as mine!

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