Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Scarlet Hare and the Gift

Some of you may know that from time to time Chase and I write little books for Lily and self-publish them on Shutterfly.com.  It started when we got some pictures taken of her when she was about 5 months old.  She was in a bunny costume, and the pictures were so cute that I had to do something with them.  So I wrote a little book about Scarlet Hare (definitely a spin off of Scarlet O'Hara, lead in one of the most fantastic books of all time - Gone with the Wind!).  This is my 3rd installment.  To read the other two books, you can visit Scarlet Hare and Scarlet Hare and Daddy's Hands.

Without further ado, I give you...

Scarlet Hare and the Gift

by Chase and Stephani Francl

Sunlight shone through Scarlet's window 
as she opened up her eyes;
although she didn't know it yet, 
she'd soon learn of a surprise.
Scarlet sat up and stretched her arms, 
reaching high into the sky.
"Mommy!  Daddy!" she called from her crib,
never one to be shy.

Mommy and Daddy rushed right in 
with smiles from ear to ear.
They came to tell their precious girl
about a change so near.
"What change is coming?" Scarlet asked,
as she plopped in Daddy's lap.
Her eyes lit up, "When will it come?"
she wondered as she clapped.

"The change, it is a special gift
that will sweeten how we live,
a tiny little bundle that only
Daddy and I can give.
This gift will be so special
bringing our family lots of joy.
The love you'll feel about it
will long outlast any toy."

"There will be only one just like this,
it is a gift so rare.
It is the most beloved gift 
that ever we could share.
This gift will be a mystery,
hidden for a while.
In Mommy's tummy it will hide
its secret little smile."

"Then when it's time, me and your Dad
just for a night or two
will slip away and come back home
with a bundle sweet and new.
The gift will be a tiny babe
to hold and love and kiss,
and what our baby now will need 
is the greatest great big sis."

"This baby will be family
belonging just to us,
another special little one;
just remember - babies fuss!
This baby is a gift for us
sent straight from God above.
God chose this baby just for us
our little one to love."

"Don't fear dear daughter, Scarlet,
our love burns for you the same.
This new baby will simply grow our love
and add to our family's flame."

It took a moment for Scarlet
to take in what her parents said,
then she hopped down from Daddy's lap,
turning to look at them instead.
"Mommy, Daddy," Scarlet said
with a little grin of glee,
"I will be the best big sister ever - 
just wait and you will see!"

"I love you Mommy and Daddy and the new baby too."
"We love you, Scarlet."

Baby Bit Francl - Due April 7, 2014

1 comment:

  1. This just totally made my day (/week, /month). I am SO happy for you guys! :)
