Friday, June 12, 2015

It's a BOY!!!

Today was the day! Meet Bitty Bear BOY Francl...

The profile.  And he's sucking his little fist - isn't he adorable!

May I present one of the two sweet feet
that has been kicking me lately.
According to his measurements, he's not a giant, but he's not small in the least either.  I was a little dismayed to hear that his head circumference at this point is in the 95th percentile.  I'm really hoping that measurement is more like 50% (or less!) by the time I deliver!  All of his other measurements were between 60% and 90%.  I guess we don't grow small boys around here. :)

His hands and arms were up by his head through
the whole ultrasound.

And he was a little wiggle worm, which was so
fun to see!
Ultrasounds are strangely magical to me.  My belly is growing, I'm feeling movement (or not on the early ultrasounds), and all we need to peek into the mystery is a little wand and a TV (and a doctor).  The images are either oddly like x-rays or (the 3-D ones) are so alien-like it's a little creepy... That is unless the alien is your alien.  

During this ultrasound I was struck by the miracle of life.  So many things have to perfectly align for a little life to result.  And then so very many things can go so dramatically wrong at any time.  That's true before birth, throughout the birth process, and all through life outside the womb.  It is only by God's amazing grace and through His incomprehensible design that any one of us is here at this moment.  Simply put - miracle.  What a privilege to be part of this miracle, and how grateful I am to be the mother to two healthy, happy kids, and one baby on the way.  Nothing is guaranteed.

Anyway, back to today...  Chase and I took Lily with to the ultrasound, and then afterwards (Chase had to go back to work) us girls did just a little shopping.  Primary on my shopping list was to get the "coming home" outfit.  I always like to get something that makes baby feel a little more "real" after we find out the gender.  With Lily I bought her a Cabbage Patch doll, with Connor I bought his crib bedding.  Here's what we got this time around...

The "coming home" outfit for Bitty Bear.
It's simple, a bit plain, and not exactly the bright, bold, all-boy outfit I thought we'd get.  Lily and I scoured the infant section of the only store we had time to stop at and came up with 5 solid choices (none of them the one you see above).  We picked one, then Lily had to go to the bathroom, and by the time we came back to the infant section I was over the outfit we'd picked.  I was feeling discouraged, because it was really (inexplicably) important to me to get the outfit today.  

Finally, just before leaving we breezed through the clearance rack and this little gem was tucked between two much more bold outfits.  The simplicity, soft tones of the white and gray color scheme, and most of all the message on the bib called out to me.  

Yes.  This is it.  This is what I want my Bitty Bear to remember all his life.  Every time we talk about bringing him home from the hospital, every time we talk about him at all, I want this truth spoken over him.  He is loved.

It's what I want each of my children to know, inherently.  I want for them to never question, or if they do to know the answer without having to voice the question.  I want security for them in that fact.  No matter what they do, no matter where they go, no matter if I agree with them or not, no matter how they look, no. matter. what.  They are loved.  It's simple, but so essential.  

So the outfit is bought, and it's perfect.  Hurray!  (And it was on clearance, and I had a coupon on top of that, AND I had a gift card on top of that.  Clearly it was meant to be!)

Finally, if you're wondering what 20 weeks pregnant me looks like, here you go...

20 weeks!
Happy weekend everyone, from the house of Francl - Chase, Steph, Lily, Connor, and baby brother (aka for now as Bitty Bear)!

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